Nursery Rhyme Emoji Quiz For Brainiacs!
Just how many of these nursery rhymes can you recognise from the emojis we've put together? Find out with this special emoji nursery rhyme quiz!
Can you decipher these nursey rhymes from the emojis that represent them? We've put together this fiendish nursery rhyme emoji puzzle to test your skills to the limit! Check out more great emoji quizzes here! How about this epic TV show emoji quiz? Or maybe you can crack the code on this emoji book quiz! We've even got a London underground emoji quiz!

Which nursery rhyme is this meant to represent?

What about this one?

And this?

Which nursery rhyme character is this meant to be?

Which popular nursery rhyme is this meant to be?
6/10 Which of these pictures represents a nursery rhyme?

Which nursery rhyme is this?

What about this?

What might this be?

Finally, what's this meant to be?

Oh no! You failed to identify a single nursery rhyme! But fear not, you can always try again! We believe in you!

You recognised a few nursery rhymes, but you'll need to do better than that to be crowned emoji quiz champion! Try again!

Well done! You know your emojis and your rhymes! But can you get full marks next time? Have a go and see!

Amazing! You're the ultimate nursery rhyme emoji decoder! There should be some sort of award for this! But since there isn't , give yourself a good old pat on the back instead!