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Are You a Stubborn Daschund or a Loyal Labrador? Find Out In This Woof-Tastic Dog Quiz? 🐶

Have you ever wondered if you’re Poodle or Labradoodle? Cockapoo or Shih Tzu? If the answer is WOOF! then let us take the lead and guide you through our Personality Quiz to find out “What Dog Am I?

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Beano Quiz Team • Updated December 10th 2024
Rarest Answer
You Are A: Bulldog!

Dogs are man’s (and everybody else’s) best friend. It’s true they take a LOT of looking after - you need to take them for walks, give them loads of attention and PICK UP THEIR POO which is pretty gross. Even so, we love dogs in all their hairy shapes and sizes. In fact there are so many types of dogs, from scraggly hounds to pawfectly groomed pooches it’s hard to keep count. Have you ever wondered if you’re Poodle or Labradoodle? Cockapoo or Shih Tzu? If the answer is WOOF! then let us take the lead and guide you through our Personality Quiz to find out 'What Dog Am I?'

What Dog Am I Personality Quiz


How would you describe yourself?


Do you mind getting muddy?


Where do you prefer to go to the toilet?


Do you think you'd be good at guarding things?


Pick another type of pet

Chris Kläfford | Giphy

What's the best time of day?


You see a banana. What do you do automatically?


Which school lesson could you really do without?


What's your opinion when it comes to long walks in the park?

Toy Story | Walt Disney Pictures, Pixar Animation Studios

What's your opinion of squeaky toys?


Which superhero do you like the most?


Pick something for dinner!


Time for a bath. How do you feel about that?


Pick a biscuit!


What's your favourite TV show?

You are a: Bulldog!

You might look a bit grumpy, but you're just a crumpled up ball of fun!

You are a: Labrador!

You're enthusiastic about everything, including school dinners!

You are a: Chihuahua!

You're a bit of a diva,  but good fun to be around

You are a: Dachshund!

You're shaped like a sausage and basically a four-legged party!

Hey! Wait! Before you go out on that dog walk, if you like our dog personality quiz, why not find out What Cat Breed You Are in another of our personality quizzes!