Personality Quiz: What Type of Hair Cut Should You Have?
Everyone knows that footballers have the most exciting hairstyles around. Or is the daftest? Whatever, get some inspiration by taking this quiz!

Have you ever had an outrageous haircut before?

What's the one word that would describe your dream haircut?

How complicated would you like your hairstyle to be?

Who's your favourite international team?

What sort of football player are you?

What's your personality like?

What products would you need to put in your hair to make it look cool?

Do you make an effort to look good at all times?

How would you describe your ultimate style?

How long will you need to create your new hairstyle?

paulpogba | Instagram
You should get: THE POGBA!
Manchester United icon Paul Pogba changes his hairstyle more often than our socks – which is a lot – so if you know a barber with a steady hand, maybe you could just get 'blam!' shaved into the side of your hair!

garethbale11 | Instagram
You should get: THE BALE!
Wales hero Gareth Bale rocks the top knot like no other. If you've got long hair, then maybe you could tie it up and make it look like you've got a little cake balanced on your head!

Giovanni Simeone | Twitter
You should get: THE SIMEONE!
This Argentine football star once made the headlines for this bizarre hairstyle but it might suit you, too? Then again, maybe not, come to think of it...

Cristiano Ronaldo | Pinterest
You should get: THE RONALDO!
Sure, it might look like the Portugal legend left the barber shop halfway through his haircut, but it's still quite neat if you look at it from a few different angles!