Pie Jokes!
Check out these funny pie jokes while they're hot!
Pile your plate high with these awesome pie jokes! Don't forget to leave some space for some mirthful mushroom jokes, sizzling sausage jokes and perfect potato jokes!
We're not just a gag kitchen! We do other types of jokes, too. Check them out!
Why was the pumpkin not allowed to fly a plane?
It didn't have a pie-lot's licence!

How did the apple get to school?
They rode a pie-cycle!

What do ghosts like to have with their apple pie?
I scream!

What do you get if you eat too much pumpkin pie?
Autumn-y ache!

Where do pies learn to read?
At pie-mary school!

What smartphone do pies use the most?
An Apple pie-Phone!

How do you get a mince pie to sleep?
Sing it a lulla-pie!

Who makes the best apple pies?
Granny Smith!

What's the best thing to put into a pie?
Your teeth!

What does a pie say after a huge feast?
That was filling!

What do you get if you cross a snake with a pie?
A pie-thon!

Why did Dobby get told off at the dinner table?
He was goblin up everyone's pie!

What did the apple pie say after Thanksgiving dinner?

Why did the apple pie cry?
Somebody hurt its peelings!

What was the ghost’s favourite pudding?
Boo-berry pie!

Who led all the cherries to the bakery?
The Pie Piper!

What's a mathematician's favourite type of pie?

I had a Shepherd’s Pie for lunch today...
They weren't happy about it!

How does a baker keep track of how many pies they've made?
A pie chart!

Why did the pie go to the dentist?
It needed a filling.

Where do you weigh a pie?
Somewhere over the rainbow, weigh a pie

Doctor, doctor! I’ve got a mince pie stuck up my nose!
What you need is some cream!