Poisonous Pit Vipers Quiz!
Are you a snake expert? Test your trivia now!
How many points will you ssscore?

Where do pit vipers hide in order to stalk their prey?

What is a Wagler's pit viper also known as?

Pit vipers are venomous snakes. True or false?

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Which snake expert was the Wagler pit viper named after?

When are pit vipers most active?

Which of the following is not a real pit viper?

How would a pit viper hunt in the dark?

What do pit vipers mostly eat?

There are no pit vipers in Asia. True or false?

What is the the largest of all pit vipers?

Oh no! Are you more of a dog fan?

Good try! Why not try again and get an even bigger ssscore?

Great stuff! You know your ssstuff when it comes to pit vipers!

Fantassstic! You're a sssnake expert!