Ultimate Pokemon Gen 7 Quiz
If you're a real Pokemon fan then you'll pass this Pokemon Gen 7 Quiz with flying colours.

Pokémon | Nintendo, Creatures, Game Freak

Pokémon | Nintendo, Creatures, Game Freak
What Gen 7 Pokemon has the most hit points?

What Gen 7 Pokemon is the worst at attacking

And which one is the best at attacking?

Who's the fastest Pokemon?

Pokémon | Nintendo, Creatures, Game Freak

Pokémon | Nintendo, Creatures, Game Freak
What species is this Pokemon, Torracat?

Pokémon | Nintendo, Creatures, Game Freak
What species is Wimpod?

Pokémon | Nintendo, Creatures, Game Freak
Part 1: Who's this?
8/9 Part 2: And where might you find her?

Pokémon | Nintendo, Creatures, Game Freak
Who's this scary dude?

Pokémon | Nintendo, Creatures, Game Freak
Terrible. You can't tell your Wimpod from your Necrozma. You're not up to date with Pokemon Gen 7.

Pokémon | Nintendo, Creatures, Game Freak
Well done. You might not be a Master of Pokemon Gen 7 but you're not bad.

Pokémon | Nintendo, Creatures, Game Freak
Master Pokemon Level. You are the best.