Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Quiz: Can You Get 100%?
How much do you know about Pokemon Mystery Dungeon? Put your trivia to the test with this quiz and find out if you're a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon expert!
How much do you know about the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon game? It's time to put your knowledge to the test with this epic quiz! And if you liked this, we've got loads more Pokémon quizzes here! How about this guess the Pokemon quiz? Or maybe you fancy this real or fake Pokemon quiz? We've even got a quiz that tells you which trainer you are!

Where is the game set?

What do you have to do before you can start the game?

What was the first pair of games released?

In the Red and Blue games, what's your first task?

What's the name of the nasty rescue team?

According to the legend, a human angered which Pokemon?

What do you have to defeat in the Uproar Forest?

True or false: Sinister Woods features in the game?

Which Pokemon do you start the game as?

What do you join in Explorers of Time and Explorers of Darkness?

Nooooo! You didn't get any questions about Pokemon Mystery Dungeon right! But that's ok, you can always have another go and see if you can score higher!

Not bad, but we know you can do better! Have another go and see if you've learned anything new about Pokemon Mystery Dungeon!

Great stuff, you're on your way to becoming a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Master! Can you get 100% next time? We know you can!

Epic! You're truly the very best, like no one every was, because you got FULL MARKS! Congratulations, you Pokemon Mystery Dungeon master!