Ultimate Pokemon Sun and Moon Quiz
How much do you remember about this epic Pokemon series? Take this quiz to find out!

Pokémon | OLM, Inc.| The Pokémon Company International
Who's the main character in the Sun and Moon series?

Pokémon | OLM, Inc.| The Pokémon Company International
What region of the Pokemon world is Sun and Moon set in?

Pokemon Sun and Moon Quiz | Test Yourself | Beano.com
Gladion is a...

Pokémon | OLM, Inc.| The Pokémon Company International
What console can you play the game of Pokemon Sun and Moon on?

Pokémon | OLM, Inc.| The Pokémon Company International
What kind of ring does Lillie have?

Pokémon | OLM, Inc.| The Pokémon Company International

Pokémon | OLM, Inc.| The Pokémon Company International
Professor Kukui has...

Pokémon | OLM, Inc.| The Pokémon Company International
What does Rockruff evolve into?

Rotom is a Pokemon as well as a Pokedex. True or false?

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Here's a tricky one... what race do they hold every year on Melemele Island?

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Oh dear! Not a big Pokemon fan then?

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Pretty good! Can you beat this score on another quiz?

Pokémon | OLM, Inc.| The Pokémon Company International
Good job! Not much gets past you! Try another quiz?

Pokémon | OLM, Inc.| The Pokémon Company International
Wahoo! Poke-expert over here! Great job!