Which Pokemon Xy Character Are You? Quiz
Which of these Pokemon trainers is most like you? Answer these questions to find out!

Pokemon XY | OLM, Inc.| The Pokémon Company International | Warner Bros Television
Where's your hometown?

Pick a haircut:

Which of these hobbies do you prefer?

Pokemon XY | OLM, Inc.| The Pokémon Company International | Warner Bros Television
Pick a quote:

Pokémon | OLM, Inc.| The Pokémon Company International
What type of Pokemon do you specialise in?

Pokémon | OLM, Inc.| The Pokémon Company International
Your friend Brock is in trouble! What do you do?

Pokemon XY | OLM, Inc.| The Pokémon Company International | Warner Bros Television
Pick a colour:

Pokemon XY | OLM, Inc.| The Pokémon Company International | Warner Bros Television
What do you think of this Noivern?

Pokemon | OLM, Inc.| The Pokémon Company International | Warner Bros Television
What's your greatest weakness?

Pokemon | OLM, Inc.| The Pokémon Company International | Warner Bros Television
What Pokemon type are you most afraid of?

Pokemon | OLM, Inc.| The Pokémon Company International | Warner Bros Television
You're Ash!
You and your trusty Pikachu are the heroes of every series! Right?

Pokemon | OLM, Inc.| The Pokémon Company International | Warner Bros Television
You're Serena!
You're the skilled Pokemon performer, Serena. When you're not taking care of Pokemon, you're saving Ash when he gets himself in trouble again!

Pokemon | OLM, Inc.| The Pokémon Company International | Warner Bros Television
You're Clemont!
You're the science expert and inventor, Clemont. You're a reliable gym leader and Pokemon trainer, even if your inventions explode most of the time!

Pokemon | OLM, Inc.| The Pokémon Company International | Warner Bros Television
You're Bonnie!
You're Clemont's younger sister, Bonnie. You might be the youngest on the team, but you're a skilled Pokemon trainer and are in charge of Squishy - the powerful Zygarde Core!