22 Pony Jokes Which Are Horse-somely Good
Hay! Knock Knock! Hooves there? Yes, it’s a full stable of some horsesomely good Pony jokes. Saddle up for the comedy ride of your lives!
Now we’re at full comedy gallop, why not check out these amoosing cow jokes or just laugh like a hyena at these weird animal facts!
Or for even more jokes (Knock knock! Hooves there?) have a look at our main jokes page! And don't forget to try our our amazing Joke Generator!
Where did the pony go on holiday?

How do you get a pony’s attention?

Did you hear about Cinderella’s horse?
Once upony time…

What prize did the Broadway musical of “Warhorse” win?
A pony award!

Who did the pony audition for in the school play?
The main part!

What’s a pony’s favourite TV program?
Dr Hoof

Did you hear about the pessimist pony?
He was a neigh-sayer!

Where do sick ponies go?
The horsepital!

You are sitting on a pony. You’re being chased by a lion. In front of you is a giraffe. What do you do?
Get off the carousel!

A pony trots into a school…
Teacher: Why the long face?

I was telling my barber about the time I found a small horse…
But he cut off my pony tale!

Daughter: Can I have a pony for Christmas.
Dad: The oven’s only big enough for a turkey!

What did the pony with a sore throat who didn't understand the basic structure of jokes say to the doctor?
I'm having a hard time speaking clearly!

What did the pony with a sore throat say to the doctor?
I’m a little hoarse!

What do you call a fake horse?
A phoney pony!

Where do you catch a horse and cart in Lapland ?
A Pony Sleigh-Station!

Another word for a ponytale is..
A stablefable!

Did you here about the injured pony?
It’s in a stable condition!

Did you hear about the folk-singing horse?
Pony Mitchell?

Did you hear about the supermarket that delivers by horse?
Yes it’s my lidl pony!

Where does a horse’s leg bend?
At the po-knee!

What does the horse call the pony next door on Old Town Road?
His neigh-bour!

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