Prestonplayz Minecraft Quiz
Can you beat our Prestonplayz Minecraft quiz?

@PrestonPlayz | YouTube
What is Preston famous for playing?

What is Prestons real surname

How many subscribers has he got?

Sesame Street | Sesame Workshop | PBS
What's his shooter channel called?

It's time for our "Does Preston Say?" section... Does Preston say "Give me some backup sauce!"

Does he say "You chicken nugget butter-bisket!"

Does he say "Bullprawn"

@prestonplayz | YouTube

@prestonplayz | YouTube
Does he say "Dad-gumit!"

Does he say "Bejiggle bejiggle"

Prestonplayz | YouTube
Bullshrimp! You playz and loses

Prestonplayz | YouTube
You playz and do ok. You need to watch some more YouTube, though Dad-gumit!

Prestonplayz | YouTube
You playz and win! Ya little doodlebanger!