Quick Maths Quiz
Alright Einstein - test your maths skills with this super speedy number quiz!
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Here comes the quiz! Now remember - no cheating!

What's 7 x 3?

How many 5's can you fit in 20?

How many zeros are in a million?

What's 9 + 9 + 9?

What's 55 plus 65?

If Dennis has 6 pairs of socks and rips holes in all of them, how many socks does he have left?

What's 900 minus 750?

What's 10 minus 15?

What's 6 times 7?

If Boris has 10 friends but is really mean to all of them, how long will it take them to find new friends?

Oh no! Never mind! Have another go?

Not bad - but you can do better! Have another go?

Good job, you're a total nerd! In a good way! Well done!

Amazing! Tell all your friends that you're a genius RIGHT NOW!