Are You a Witch, Wizard or a Muggle? Quiz
Have you ever wondered if you're a witch, wizard or a Muggle? Find out by taking this magical Harry Potter quiz!
Wingardium Quiziosa!

Pick a Hogwarts house!

What's your favourite spell?

Who's your best friend?
4/10 Choose a Patronus

What position do you play in Quidditch?

What's your favourite food?

Who's your favourite teacher at Hogwarts?

What's your favourite shop?

What's your favourite thing about Hogwarts?

What's your wand made of?

You're a WIZARD!
Of course you'd be a wizard. You're Harry Potter! But if you're really Harry Potter, how much do you really know about yourself? Check out the Expert Level Harry Potter Quiz!

You're a MUGGLE!
You're a muggle but have magical powers and a keen understanding of how to use them. You're like Hermione Granger, who loves to study all sorts of spells and how to apply them in different situations! Why not try the Ultimate Hermione Granger Quiz to see how much you know about this Hogwarts know-all!

You're a WITCH!
You've just like Luna Lovegood – you possess got magical powers and love learning about magic and spells at Hogwarts! Why try What Kind of Witch Are You? next?

Like Vernon Dursley, you want absolutely nothing to do with any of that magic and are very wary of anyone who goes to Hogwarts! Want to double check? Take the totally magic Are You a Wizard or a Muggle? Quiz.