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QUIZ: How Do You Decorate Your School Book and What It Says About You!

We all love to put stickers on our books. But did you know it can reveal what your personality is really like?

Beano Quiz Team
Last Updated:  February 25th 2022

Got your school book ready? Then let's take the quiz!

1/10 Fancy wallpaper you might find on a wall or a school book

Is your book covered in old wallpaper?

2/10 A pair of hands carefully holding a book

Which exercise book is covered in the most stickers?

3/10 A collection of stickers placed on a plain background

Do you plan where to place them or just slap them on?

4/10 Cool stickers on a plain background

What's the biggest sticker on there?

5/10 A pair of hands covered in glitter

Important question, this one: do any of the stickers have glitter on them?

6/10 An exercise book covered in stickers

What other stickers are on the front of your book?

7/10 A surprised boy

What does the back of your book look like?

8/10 A student examines the back of a school book

Are there any stickers on the inside cover?

9/10 Confused boy thinking with question mark

What's your favourite sticker on there?

10/10 A school student shrugs at the big questions

Do you think you'll add more stickers as the school year progresses?

Game Nerd

You are a: GAME NERD!

Your love gaming goes far beyond the console – we can tell which school books are yours from a mile away!

A messy person who looks embarrassed

You are: SO MESSY!

While your books are covered in cool stickers, half of them look like they were stuck on in the dark – and your bedroom is just as untidy!

Total swot

You are a: TOTAL SWOT!

Everything on your books look neat and organised. It's no wonder you're top of the class!

A bearded man in rabbit ears

You are: SO FUNNY!

Your stickers make your books look fun – just as well, considering you're the class comedian!