Which Disney Animal Are You?
If you counted all the animals who appeared in Disney films, there'd be... a lot. But which Disney animal are you? Find out by taking this scientific quiz!
Are you ready?

How would you describe your personality?

What do you like to do during the holidays?

What's your favourite kind of sweet?

What gadget can you not live without?

How do you like to relax?

What's the best type of prank to play on your friends?

Do you burp loudly on purpose?

Can you eat a donut without licking your lips?

Who's your favourite pop star?

What's your perfect ice cream flavour?

You are: SIMBA!
You love to go on adventures and get into mischief. You've got a load roar, too!

You love to belt out a good song and are quite partial to long baths and swimming – because you're a crab!

You are: DORY!
Even though you forget sometimes, you're fun to be around and love to play games

You are: PASCAL!
Although you're quiet, it doesn't stop you from supporting your friends and being good fun to be around