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Winter Olympics

Personality Quiz: Which Olympic Winter Sport Would You Be Best At?

As the Winter Olympics takes place in Pyeongchang, South Korea, find out what your ideal sport would be by taking this highly scientific quiz!

Beano Quiz Team
Last Updated:  August 19th 2024
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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024

3...2...1... GO!


It's snowing. What do you do?


What's the best way to wrap up in the cold weather?


The path leading up to school is really icy. How do you get to the door?


What's the best drink to make when it's cold?


What's the best kind of scarf


How do you keep your hands from freezing?


What's the best way to make a snowball?


Is it acceptable to eat ice cream when it's snowing?


What's the best animal?


Your friend has fallen face first into a pile of snow. What would you do?

Ice skating

Your Winter Olympic Sport is: ICE SKATING

The classic, graceful sport of the Winter Olympics. If there's an icy path, we can guarantee you'll be out there pulling off your best dance moves.


Your Winter Olympic Sport is: CURLING!

You clearly love sweeping the floor and icy paths. Curling is clearly the Winter Olympics sport for you!


Your Winter Olympic Sport is: Ski-ing!

Is there a cooler sport than this? We doubt it! 


Your Winter Olympic Sport is: BOBSLEDDING!

What's more fun than going at a million miles an hour down an icy track with your mates? We can't think of anything else!

Vampire Chair

Trick or Treat?

Choose wisely...