17 Question Rabbit Quiz: How Much Do You Know?
You'll be hopping mad if you don't get 100% in this brilliant bunny quiz! Answer some questions all about rabbits and see how much you really know!
Let's see if you're a rabbit expert with this awesome ultimate rabbit quiz! Have a go at answering all sorts of rabbity questions and see if you can get full marks!

Which of these is a nickname for a rabbit?

What sort of animal is a rabbit?

What is a baby rabbit called?

What's the latin word for rabbit?

True or false: a hare and a rabbit are the same animal?

What does a rabbit do when it 'popcorns'?

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Which of these is a fact about rabbit's teeth?

Why are rabbit's eyes on the sides of their heads?

How many rabbits are there in Britain?

What's a male rabbit called?

What's a female rabbit called?

How many babies can rabbits have in a litter?

True or false: carrots are a natural part of a rabbit's diet?

How much did the biggest ever rabbit weigh?

How far can a rabbit rotate its ears?

What is Bugs Bunny's real name?

What do rabbits symbolise in folklore?

Oh no! You have no idea what you're rabbiting on about! Never mind, have another go and see if you've learned anything new about bunnies!

Well, you got a couple of questions right, but you need to do more than that to become a rabbit expert! Try again!

Well done! You're a real rabbit raconteur! Nice job, Peter Rabbit would be impressed!

Woah! You're the number one expert on all things rabbit! You managed to get full marks! That's incredible!