This Roblox Aesthetic Quiz is Kawaii!
Sure, you love Roblox... But what's your Roblox Aesthetic? Just answer these questions and we'll tell you in this super-stylish gaming quiz!
So what kind of Robloxian are you really? Do you like pink things and glitter? Wings and magic accessories? Or how about something darker and more spooky? However you like to dress your Roblox avatar you can finally find out what your Roblox aesthetic is ... and all you have to do is answer these scientific quiz questions!
Sound like a plan? Let's get going, then!

What would you rather do for fun?

What's your favourite time of year?

Pick a snack:

Pick a Roblox game:

What kind of colours do you like?

Pick a Roblox-playing Youtuber:
7/10 One of these boxes has a load of Robux in it. Which one?

Pick an accessory:

Pick a Roblox item:

What would you rather be listening to right now?

Your Roblox Aestethic is Kawaii!
Your Roblox style is super cute, pink and with lots of Japanese influences! You love anime and manga and your look on Roblox totally matches that! Sound about right? If you don't think this is right for you then have another go at this quiz! No problem!

Your Roblox Aestethic is Cottage Core!
You love homely things like nature, arts and crafts, and being warm and cozy in front of the fire. Or a game of Roblox! You love warm colours and keeping things natural. Nor sure how we ended up here? Try this quiz again to see if you get a different aesthetic!

Your Roblox Aestethic is Fairycore!
Your aesthetic is all about light colours, wings and anything to do with magic and fairies! You love arts and crafts, reading and... playing Roblox, obviously! Sound about right? If you don't think this is right for you then have another go at this quiz!

Your Roblox Aestethic is Goth!
Your Roblox aestethic is dark and gloomy - just like your gothic personality! This doesn't mean you don't know how to have fun - you just like looking alternative whilst you do it. Nothing wrong with that! If you don't think this is right for you then have another go at this quiz! No problem!