These Roblox Avatars Show You Which Captain Underpants Character You're Most Like!
What will your avatar say about you!? Find out here!
Roblox avatars say a lot about you, they’re what players see first as you run towards them waving a big balloon. So let’s find out what your avatar choices say about you?! After all, there’s only one way to truly find out which Captain Underpants character you are! Let’s go!

Make your choice!

Make your choice!

Make your choice!

Make your choice!

Make your choice!

Make your choice!

Make your choice!

Make your choice!

Make your choice!

Make your choice!

Captain Underpants!
What an incredible result! Captain Underpant’s style is second to none, in fact his costume is nearly nothing - just a pair of pants and a cape! Your avatar choices show that you like to do things differently and show off your personality however you like! Be true to yourself, and you never know you might become one of the silliest superheroes in the world some day!

George Beard!
George is pretty smart for his age, a little bit like you right? But your choices of avatar parts point to George because of how kooky they are! George likes to write stories and invent whole new worlds, and your Roblox picks show just how creative you can be too - what a result!

Mr Krupp!
Mr Krupp is a bit of a meanie sometimes, he never seems to see the funny side of Harold and George’s pranks and jokes. You might wonder why you’ve got this result - but it's all about the choices you’ve made, Mr Krupp likes things to be a bit boring and safe. He doesn’t take many chances, as least when he’s being himself, and not, you know, the other side to him!

Harold Hitchins!
Harold Hitchinns is mega creative, your choices show that you and Harold have got a lot in common. You always go for the wild, colourful and exciting choices when it comes to expressing yourself. What a result! Why not have a go at some of the other quizzes on the site and see if you can learn more about yourself!?