Roblox Genshin Impact: How Much Do You Know?
Fancy yourself as a gaming expert? Then it's time to put your open-world skills to the test with this epic quiz!
Roblox and Genshin Impact are two gaming worlds we can't wait to see come together, so give your Roblox-brain a test with this tricky Genshin Impact quiz! Can you get every question right? Let’s find out! For more gaming quizzes why not take a peek at our bumper 50 Question Gaming Quiz, or have a cheeky chuckle with these rib-tickling Roblox Jokes!

What genre is Genshin Impact?

When did Genshin Impact first launch?

Which game developer created Genshin Impact?

In what fantasy world does this action adventure take place?

What is the Traveller’s companion called?

What is the currency in the game?

Which of the following is NOT a major nation in the world?

What do the Statues of The Seven do?

Up to 4 players can play together in the overworld and join domains. True or false?

What is the mysterious floating island called?

Oh dear! It seems you may want to re-play Genshin Impact... you could do with a reminder! Never mind, why not retake the quiz and improve your score?

Not so hot! While not the worst score in the world, you could do better! Why not have another go at the game and retake the quiz? Your Genshin knowledge will soon have a bigger impact!

Pretty good! While not an absolutely PERFECT score, you certainly know your Genshin Impact! trivia! An impressive result, good job!

Amazing! You got a PERFECT score! You really do know your Genshin games... we bow to your superior knowledge. An incredible result, well done!