Ultimate Roblox My Hello Kitty Café Quiz!
How much do you know about this cute Hello Kitty Roblox game? Let's find out with this ultimate trivia quiz! Answer some café based questions and see how you do!
It's time to see what you know about the adorable Hello Kitty Roblox game! Create and run your own cafe empire with Hello Kitty in this cute world! How much do you know about it, and can you get 10/10? And if you liked this, check out more Roblox quizzes here! What about this Total Drama Island trivia quiz? Or maybe you're ready for this Escape the Bakery quiz! You might even have the skills to get 100% in this Adopt Me Pet quiz!

Which popular character does the game star?

Were does she work?

What's the fruit on the coins in the game?

Which of these is something you can open when you have enough coins?

How many coins do you need to open a second floor?

Where do you get items for your cafe?

How can you tell if your cafe is doing well?

What's a great way to pick up extra stuff?

What's the name of the place you live?

How do you get to the city?

Nooo! Hello Kitty is disappointed you didn't get any answers right, but luckily you can always try again!

Not bad, but Hello Kitty knows you can do even better! Try again and see if you can get 10/10!

Great job! We can tell you're a bit fan of the game! But can you get 100% next time?

Incredible! You're officially the biggest Hello Kitty fan, because you got 100% in this Roblox quiz! Congrats!