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Roving Reporter Meets Teddy the Shetland!

Famous Shetland pony gives his tips on how to be an influencer star!

Roving Reporter Meets Teddy the Shetland!

Famous Shetland pony gives his tips on how to be an influencer star!

Beano Video Team
Last Updated:  July 1st 2021

Ever wondered how you become a social media star?! Well fear not - Teddy the Shetland is giving away all his social secrets!

He says it's all about the look, angles, the walk, confidence and captions. Got that? Don’t worry if not – all will be revealed in the video!

Roving Reporter even has a go at trying to master the influencer talent – we’re not sure she’s quite got it though!

Watch now top get the top influencer tips! You won’t be disappointed.