Can You Survive This Ryan Trahan Quiz?
Hey, you! Can you get 10/10 on this adventurous Youtuber quiz? Click here to find out!
He’s a super famous Youtuber who loves adventure. And whether he’s completing challenges or getting lost in the woods, he always makes sure he puts on a show for his fans. But how much do you really know about Ryan? Answer these 10 questions and we’ll tell you!
Let's get on with it then!
1/10 Ryan is from Texas. Where is that on this map of the USA?

What kind of videos is Ryan famous for making?

How much money does Ryan usually try to survive on?

Why does Ryan make these videos?

What is a “Great Reset”?

Which of these challenges has Ryan NOT done?

How does Ryan survive on such little money?

Guess the title of this video from the thumbnail!

Who did Ryan deliver a giant penny to?

Ryan is also a businessman. What does he sell?

Oh no! This is not your best work! Ryan is unimpressed. Do you know where you went wrong? Watch a few more of his videos and have another go! Better luck next time!

Not bad! This is a decent score! You clearly know a lot about Ryan… but you did still get a few answers wrong. Never mind! If you want to score a little higher - have another go! Or try another of our quizzes!

Great work! This is a really good score - you know loads about Ryan Trahan! Nice work! You JUUUUUST missed out on a high score, too bad! Do you think you can beat this score on a different Youtuber quiz? We have lots more!

Amazing! You absolutely nailed this quiz! Great work - 10/10! You can’t beat this score, but you might be able to match it on a different Youtuber quiz. Give it a go - we believe in you!