Sam Smith Quiz for True Fans!
Are you Sam Smith's biggest fan? Why not see if you can get the top score on this awesome trivia quiz!
Sam Smith is one of the top-selling artists today! You've definitely heard their smash hit "Stay With Me", and you may even know they won an Oscar for their Bond theme "Writing's On The Wall"! But there's so much more to their career - and if you're a fan, you'll be able to smash this trivia quiz! Don't forget we've got more music quizzes for you - try our Bruno Mars song quiz, or see if you can finish these famous lyrics!

What year was Sam born?

What UK city are they from originally?

What year did Sam's debut studio album, "In The Lonely Hour", drop?

What's Sam's middle name?

Which classic Hollywood star does Sam say inspires them?

Sam first got famous by featuring on the track "Latch" with which electronic music duo?

Which Bond film did Sam sing the theme song for?

Which of Sam's songs do they describe as their most "personal"?

What's the name of Sam's latest album?

Tricky one! Sam has said if they weren't a singer, they would be a ....?

Oops! Looks like you're not Sam's number one fan! Don't worry, you can always give the quiz another go!

Not bad at all! You're obviously a bit of a Sam fanatic (Sam-atic?)! Why not have another go and see if you can bring your score up?

Great job! You're a real Sam fan! Why not have one more go and see if you can make your score perfect?

OUTSTANDING! You're the number one Sam fan! Be proud of yourself!