Skydiving Jokes
Looking for some no-strings-attached laughs? These skydiving jokes are pretty descent!
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Oh we spoil you, we do!
What do you call a baby birthed while skydiving?
Did you hear about the skydiving Professor who missed her landing spot?
She was an expert in the field!
What happened to parachute pants?
They took a dive in popularity!
Have you heard of the new sport, BBQ skydiving?
The steaks have never been higher!
I didn't worry when my parachute didn't open.
I didn't understand the gravity of the situation!
What's more fun, skydiving or camping?
Camping - it's intense!
If you want to try skydiving you should know...
It has many downfalls!
Did you hear about the really nice skydiving instructor?
He's a descent guy!
What do you call a skydiving criminal?
Why didn't the cow want to go skydiving?
The steaks were too high!
What do you call it when a priest goes skydiving?
Christian Bail!
I didn't like skydiving school
So I dropped out!
What’s the difference between going to space and going skydiving?
One is more down to Earth!
Skydiving without a parachute...
Is a once in a lifetime opportunity!
Broken parachute for sale...
No strings attached!
A bad metaphor
Is like a skydiving ice cream!
When's the best time to go skydiving?
If at first you don't succeed...
Don't go skydiving!
You don't need a parachute to go skydiving
YOu only need a parachute to go skydiving twice!