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20 Question Spider-Man Quiz!

How much do you know about this web-slinging hero?

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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024
Scored 100%

Spider-Man is a superhero from the Marvel universe who has thrilled audiences for decades with his daily struggles and extraordinary arachnid powers. He was created by writer Stan Lee and artist Steve Ditko in 1962 and quickly became one the comic world's most recognisable characters!

We're not supposed to say this but Spider-Man is actually called Peter Parker (or Miles Morales, or the hundreds that occupy the Marvel Universe or spider-verse you're immersed in). Whichever Spider-Man you follow, they've all got incredible superhuman abilities.

Whatever way you slice it, every Spider-Man story explores the challenges of juggling the aspects of personal life with the responsibilities of being a hero. Something Bananaman could identify with, right?

Peter Parker's Uncle Ben said it best: "With great power comes great responsibility" and that piece of advice becomes an important motto for Spider-Man when he swings through the streets of New York City and fights crime. This valuable wisdom helps shapes him into a hero who uses his powers not for personal gain but to protect the innocent and get the baddies!

Spider-Man's iconic suit features a web-like pattern and it allows him to swing between skyscrapers and rooftops, like the true arachno-bat he is (we squashed arachnid and acrobat together there). Despite facing a gang of total baddies, Spider-Man's biggest struggle is trying to lead a double life. As Peter Parker, he faces everyday challenges, including school, work, relationships, and being the best photographer he can be.

Over the years, Spider-Man has become a symbol of hope, bravery, and good; he's such an awesome superhero, he's appeared in so many comic books, movies, animated shows, and video games. If he wasn't awesome enough, he's also part of the Avengers. Not bad for someone who was bitten by a spider.

How much do you know about Spider-Man? Here's a 20-question quiz which is sure to test even the biggest Spider-Man spider fan! Are you ready? Once you've done that, you can find out which Spider-Man character you're most like!

1/20 Spider-Man

Which of the following is Spider-Man's real name?

2/20 Which city does Spider-Man protect from crime

Which city does Spider-Man protect from crime?

3/20 Marvel comic icon Spider-Man

Who wrote the original Spider-Man comics?

4/20 Spider-Man
Sony Pictures Entertainment

Where does Spider-Man shoot his webs from?

5/20 JK Simmons in Spider-Man
Marvel/Columbia Pictures

Which newspaper did Peter Parker work for in the 2002 film Spider-Man? 

6/20 Spider-Man

How did Peter Parker get his special powers?

7/20 Peter Parker's parents

What were the names of Peter Parker's parents?

8/20 Spider-Man: Homecoming

What's the title of the Spider-Man film released in 2017?

9/20 Peter Parker is Spider-Man

What is Peter Parker's favourite hobby?

10/20 The green villain from Spider-man
Sony Pictures

Who's this? 

11/20 Spider-Man

What does Peter Parker's spider-sense do?

12/20 Spider-Man

What words of wisdom did Peter Parker's uncle give to him?

13/20 President Barack Obama and Spider-Man

President Barack Obama’s favourite superhero is Spider-Man. True or false?

14/20 Spider-Man

What speed can Spider-Man reach?

15/20 Spider-man villain with tentacles
Sony Pictures

This chap isn't exactly a fan of Spider-Man. What's his name?

16/20 Spider-Man

What inspired Stan Lee to create Spider-Man?

17/20 New Spider-man

In 2011, Marvel introduced a comic book character who would become the new Spider-Man. What's his name?

18/20 Peter Parker's High School

At which school did Peter Parker study?

19/20 Spider-man fights a baddie dressed in all black

Who is Spider-Man battling in this comic?

20/20 Spider-Man holds a shield with a star in the middle

Whose shield is Spider-Man holding in this picture?

Result: Oh no

Oh no! Have another go and see if you can get an even bigger score! Did your Spidey sense fail you?


Good try! Have another go and see if you can get an even bigger score! Spider-Man believes in you!

Result: Great work

Great work! You only answered one question incorrectly. Have another go and see if you can get a perfect score!

Result: Wow

Wow! You got every question right... Hang on, are you Peter Parker, Miles Morales or one of the many masked heroes in the Spider-Verse??