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Steven Universe Quiz: What Gem Are You?

Steven Universe Quiz: What Gem Are You?

Pearl? Amethyst? Which Steven Universe gem is most like you? Find out with this galactic TV quiz!

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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024
Rarest Answer
You're Steven Quartz Universe!
1/19 A bowl of cereal and milk

What's your favourite meal of the day?

2/19 Steven Universe
Steven Universe | Cartoon Network Studios | Warner Bros Television

If you could have one superpower, which would you choose?

3/19 Pineapple on pizza

How do you feel about pineapple on pizza?

4/19 A scene from Steven Universe
Steven Universe | Cartoon Network Studios | Warner Bros Television

What musical instrument would you like to master?

5/19 Two friends

What word would others most likely use to describe you?

6/19 A scene from Steven Universe
Steven Universe | Cartoon Network Studios | Warner Bros Television

Great news, school is cancelled because of snow! How are you spending your day?

7/19 A smiling emoji on toast

If you could only use one emoji for the rest of your life, which would you choose?

8/19 A scene from Steven Universe
Steven Universe | Cartoon Network Studios | Warner Bros Television

How are you feeling right now?

9/19 A scene from Steven Universe
Steven Universe | Cartoon Network Studios | Warner Bros Television

Which of these animal would you prefer as a sidekick?

10/19 A scene from Steven Universe
Steven Universe | Cartoon Network Studios | Warner Bros Television

Pick an outfit:

Steven Universe | Cartoon Network Studios | Warner Bros Television

Pick a weapon:

Steven Universe | Cartoon Network Studios | Warner Bros Television

Do you have any special talents?

Steven Universe | Cartoon Network Studios | Warner Bros Television

How old are you?

Steven Universe | Cartoon Network Studios | Warner Bros Television

Which of these is the most important to you?


What would you rather eat for dinner?

Steven Universe | Cartoon Network Studios | Warner Bros Television

Can you play any instruments?

Steven Universe | Cartoon Network Studios | Warner Bros Television

Pick a nickname:

Steven Universe | Cartoon Network Studios | Warner Bros Television

What's your biggest weakness?

Steven Universe | Cartoon Network Studios | Warner Bros Television

Pick a quote:

Steven Universe | Cartoon Network Studios | Warner Bros Television

You're Steven Quartz Universe!

You're a mix of human and gem, and able to do things that mere humans and gems just can't do. You're the main character of the show, and you're set on carrying on your mum's work and bringing peace to the galaxy! Nice.

Steven Universe | Cartoon Network Studios | Warner Bros Television

You're Pearl!

You're one of the few gems that live on Earth - but you don't quite "get" some of the weird things that the humans do. You might not be the most confident gem - but you're super intelligent and always have a good plan up your sleeve!

Steven Universe | Cartoon Network Studios | Warner Bros Television

You're Spinel!

You're the bubbly, bright pink gem Spinel! You're a mad mix of goofy and... a bit scary! You're very powerful and definitely someone your friends needs to keep on their side!

Steven Universe | Cartoon Network Studios | Warner Bros Television

You're Rose Quartz!

You're Steven's mum - and one of the few gems to actually genuinely like humans. You're a natural born leader with a real sensitive side. Don't fooled by your appearance though - you're definitely someone you want on your side in a fight!