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The Stranger Things Quiz That Even Dustin Couldn't Ace!

But can you? How much do you know about Netflix's spookiest series? Find out with this terrifying TV quiz!

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Beano Quiz Team โ€ข Updated August 27th 2024
Scored 100%

Stranger Things is a scary, supernatural Netflix show set in the 1980s in the fictional town of Hawkins, Indiana. We can safely say that it's the world's least boring town, ever.

The epic story begins when a young boy called Will Byers disappears. His mother Joyce, Chief Jim Hopper, and his friends (Mike, Lucas and Dustin) must embark on a surreal, often terrifying adventure to get him from a weird other world called The Upside Down.

During their heroic adventure, they discover all is not what it seems in their quiet hometown and find out itโ€™s actually a base for secret government experiments and a not-cute-at-all beast called the Demogorgon. 

On their way, they discover a girl called Eleven who has extraordinary abilities who helps them on their terrifying adventure. It turns out that she was kept at the Hawkins National Laboratory, because government officials were very keen to learn about her super psychokinetic powers. But things improved for her after she escaped and was adopted by Chief Hopper, who is very kind and used her birth name, Jane. They shared Hopper's log cabin in the woods and she begins to adapt to life as a regular teenage student in Hawkins. But the story doesn't stop there. It's barely begun!

The show has now four seasons โ€“ hopefully there'll be number five in the future โ€“ with each show better and more nail biting than the last. Along the way, you'll meet more Hawkins legends like Max, Jonathan, Nancy, Steve, Robin, Erica and poor Barb.

We won't give you any more details in case you've not caught up with this thrill-a-minute supernatural story. But if you're up-to-date and think you know even the tiniest details about this modern classic, then you'll definitely want to flex your trivia muscles in this Ultimate Stranger Things quiz.

And once you've taken these 10 questions, why not find out which boy or girl from Stranger Things you're most like?

Stranger Things | 21 Laps Entertainment | Netflix

What year is the first season of Stranger Things set in?

Stranger Things | 21 Laps Entertainment | Netflix

Which character goes missing in the first season?

Stranger Things | 21 Laps Entertainment | Netflix

What is the name of Eleven's telekinetic friend?

Stranger Things | 21 Laps Entertainment | Netflix

What is the name of the arcade in Hawkins where the kids often hang out?

Stranger Things | 21 Laps Entertainment | Netflix

Who does Billy Hargrove work for in the third season?

Stranger Things | 21 Laps Entertainment | Netflix

What is the name of Will Byers' older brother?

Stranger Things | 21 Laps Entertainment | Netflix

Which character has a sister named Erica?

Stranger Things | 21 Laps Entertainment | Netflix

Who becomes possessed by the Mind Flayer in the second season?

Stranger Things | 21 Laps Entertainment | Netflix

What's the name of the heavy metal fan in season four?

Stranger Things | 21 Laps Entertainment | Netflix

What is Dustin's girlfriend called in season three?

Stranger Things | 21 Laps Entertainment | Netflix

As of 2023, how many Stranger Things episodes are there?

Stranger Things | 21 Laps Entertainment | Netflix

What was the first episode titled?

Stranger Things | 21 Laps Entertainment | Netflix

What was the final episode of season four called?

Stranger Things | 21 Laps Entertainment | Netflix

All the kids in Stranger Things are friends in real life. True or false?


Where is Stranger Things set?

Stranger Things | 21 Laps Entertainment | Netflix

Over 1000 boys and 2000 girls were auditioned for the show. True or false?

Stranger Things | 21 Laps Entertainment | Netflix

Which of these ISN'T a name for Eleven?

Stranger Things | 21 Laps Entertainment | Netflix

What kind of superpower does Eleven have?

Stranger Things | 21 Laps Entertainment | Netflix

Joyce Byers is a...

Stranger Things | 21 Laps Entertainment | Netflix

What's Jim's last name?


What is the other dimension in Stranger Things called?

Stranger Things | 21 Laps Entertainment | Netflix

What board game is Mike really good at?

Stranger Things | 21 Laps Entertainment | Netflix via Giphy

What are Eggos?

Stranger Things | 21 Laps Entertainment | Netflix

EEK! Eleven isn't too impressed with that score - try another quiz?

Stranger Things | 21 Laps Entertainment | Netflix

Not bad... but you can do better! Try another quiz?

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Nicely done! You know your stuff!

Stranger Things | 21 Laps Entertainment | Netflix

High score! Dustin is impressed! Nice work!