Stranger Things Season 4 Quiz!
Are you up-to-date with all the strange goings on in Hawkins? Test your TV skills with this spine-chilling Stranger Things quiz!
Have you been watching season 4 like a hawk? You should be - not just because it's great, but also because it's your only hope of getting 10/10 on this spooky tv quiz! Ready to test yourself and find out how much you've been paying attention? Let's get quizzing!

Season 4 is the LAST EVER season of Stranger Things. True or false?

Vickie is a... what?

Which one of these new characters is a guidance counsellor?

How long after the Battle of Starcourt does season 4 start?

Hopper works on a railroad in a place called Kamchatka. Where is Kamchatka?

Which of these is NOT a real season 4 episode?

Who's dad is Papa?

Where does Argyle work?

What kind of peanut butter does Yuri like?

Where are Eleven and Max in this picture?
Ouch! This isn't a great score at all! You'd better swot up on your Stranger Things knowledge and have another go at this quiz! Quick!

Not bad! Your Stranger Things knowledge is officially... good! There's still room for improvement though, so maybe have a little look back at this quiz and see where you went wrong!

Well done! Eleven is very impressed with this score! You definitely know a lot about Stranger Things, but you juuuuust missed out on the top spot! Fancy seeing if you can get 10/10 on a different TV quiz?

Great work! You nailed this quiz! Full marks for you! You're a Stranger Things expert! Now, do you think you can get another perfect score on a different TV quiz?