This Sturniolo Triplets Quiz is Triple The Fun!
You know the Sturniolo Triplets? You must've seen them! Well you can finally find out exactly how much you know about them in this three-headed Youtube trivia quiz!
Think you know these three Youtube and TikTok pranksters? You'll have to be their biggest fans to get full marks on this tricky quiz! Get those trivia skills sharpened and let's find out how much you've been paying attention to these hilarious brothers!
Ready to test your Youtuber knowledge? Well, what are you waiting for? It's Sturniolo Triplet time!

Nick, Matt, and... who?

When did they start their Youtube channel?

What is their Youtube bio?

Guess the title of this video from the screenshot!

Which of the Triplets goes to the gym?

Which of these things have the brothers not talked about in their car?

Which US state are the triplets from?

Which brother has the most piercings?

Guess the name of the video from the thumbnail!

So the triplets are American, but where does the name Sturniolo come from originally?

Argh! Oh dear! This score is not your best work! Do you know where you went wrong? You should have another go and see if you can score higher the next time round! And if you don't fancy it, we have lots more Youtuber quizzes for you to try out!

Pretty good! You definitely know a thing or two about the Sturniolos! You're a way off getting full marks though which is a bit of a shame. Do you know where you went wrong? Have another go if you want to score higher, or try a different Youtuber quiz! We have lots to choose from!

Very nice work! You know loads about Nick, Matt and Chris! Great job. You only missed one or two right answers, which is totally fair enough! Do you knwo which ones you got wrong? Let's see if you can beat this score on a different Youtuber quiz!

Amazing! You know loads about the Sturniolo Triplets! You must be one of their biggest fans, right? You can't improve on this amazing 10/10 score, but you could see if you can get another full set of points on a different Youtuber quiz! Sound good? There are lots more to choose from!