31 Teenager Jokes That Are Top Of The Class!
Here's your daily dose of chuckles with these awesome teenager jokes!
Why are is collection of teenager jokes like an owl? Because they're an absolute hoot! And if you liked these why not check out some awesome prom jokes, terrific teacher jokes or these pun-tastic English jokes!
What do you call a student who has to stay home because they're unwell?
A quaran-teen!
Why did the teenager not enjoy doing work experience in a jam factory?
It was a jarring experience!
Why did the teenager want to become a mirror cleaner when they were older?
It was a job they could see themselves doing!
Why did the teenager keep telling jokes in chemistry class?
They wanted to get a reaction!
Did you hear about the teenager who did their exams while camping?
They said it was in-tents!
What was The Rock called when he was a teenager?
The Pebble!
What do you call a teenager who scores a hat trick in the FA Cup final?
Great at FIFA!
Why did the teenager look up to their teacher?
They were really tall!
How many teenagers does it take to clear the dinner table?
No-one knows as it has never happened!
What do you call a tidy 13-year-old's bedroom?
Why did the teenager think their phone was broken?
They pressed the home button but were still stuck at school!
How many emo teens do you need to screw in a light bulb?
None. They sit in the dark and listen to music!
Why did the hipster teen burn their mouth on their food?
They ate it before it was cool!
What do you call a young adult who can chop paper with their hand?
A guillo-teen!
Why are teenagers so passionate about climate change?
They're doing it for the Greta good!
What happened to the teenagers who couldn't stop using social media?
They got tweetment!
Why didn't the teenager want to do a history job when they were older?
They said there was no future in it!
Why did the young kangaroo go to the vet?
For some roo teen surgery!
What do you call someone who always acts like a teenager?
How many teenagers does it take to wash the dishes?
Why couldn't the teenage plug go to the party?
They were grounded!
Why did the teenager put a Slinky in their trainers?
They wanted to put a spring in their step!
How do you call the supermarket section for teenagers?
The juvenile!
What's the difference between a teenager's joke and a dad joke?
A dad joke is full groan!
What do you call it when a teenager eats from a toddler's plate?
Child dish!
What did the teenager do when they were asked to stop pretending to be a flamingo?
They put their foot down!
Why did the teenager call 17 of their friends to watch a film?
Because on the poster, it said “under 18s not allowed”!
Why did the chewing gum cross the road?
It was stuck to the teenager’s foot!
What did one teenager say to the other teenager?
Nothing. They just texted!
Why was the teenage duck embarrassed?
His voice quacked!
Why do teenagers gather in odd-numbered groups?
Because they can’t even!