The Most Disgusting Would You Rather Quiz Ever!
Would you rather kick a cow pat or sneeze cheese? Test yourself with these gross would you rather quiz questions!
Do you love all things gooey and squirmy? Or would you rather run a mile? Find out how much grossness you can handle with this extra-disguting would you rather quiz! It's tricky than you think!
For more icky things like this, check out these impossible would you rather questions, these 39 strange questions to get you thinking, or even these epic gross jokes!

Would you rather...
- Never wash again 0.5 %
- Only wash yourself in chicken soup 0.5 %

Would you rather...
- Have a bathroom full of frogs 0.7 %
- Have a kitchen full of mice 0.3 %

Would you rather...
- Have really long toenails 0.7 %
- Have really long nose hairs 0.3 %

Would you rather...
- Sweat milk 0.5 %
- Sneeze cheese 0.5 %

Would you rather...
- Only eat jelly forever 0.7 %
- Only eat lumpy mash potato forever 0.3 %

Would you rather...
- Be stinky but smooth 0.3 %
- Be clean but lumpy 0.7 %

Would you rather...
- Have LOADS of little spots 0.5 %
- Have one MASSIVE spot 0.5 %

Would you rather...
- Have toenails on your fingers 0.2 %
- Have fingernails on your toes 0.8 %
9/10 Would you rather look at...

- This weird thing? 0.5 %
- Or this weird thing? 0.5 %

Would you rather...
- Sniff a cow pat 0.4 %
- Rub a cow's udder 0.6 %

So... did you choose the first answer, or the second?

Mostly A!
You chose the first answers! Bloooouuughhh! Really? That's gross!

Mostly B!
Woah! That's revolting! Not for the one about sneezing cheese, though? That's messed up!

A bit of both!
You chose a mix of As and Bs! Gross - well they're all gross, but.... UUUURRRGH!