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Dinosaur quiz

Roarsome Dinosaur Quiz: Can You Get All 27 Right?

Do you know your Pterodactyls from your Pentaceratops? Find out by taking this ultimate dinosaur quiz!

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Beano Quiz Team • Updated January 16th 2025
Scored 100%

While we don't have an exact number, we reckon it's been a good few years since dinosaurs roamed the earth. At least 100 years. How much do you know about these massive, magnificent beasts? Are you a dinosaur expert or just a casual fan? Test your trivia now in this dinosaur picture quiz and find out how much you know about these fearsome reptiles!

1/27 Mystery dinosaur with small head, large body and spines

What dinosaur is this?


What size could a Velociraptor's claw grow up to?


Tyrannosaurus Rex was a herbivore - True or false?


What was the first dinosaur ever named, way back in 1824?


In what year were dinosaur remains first discovered in North America?

6/27 T-Rex skeleton on yellow background

What does Tyrannosaurus Rex mean?


What sort of dinosaur-like animal is Nessie sometimes depicted as?

8/27 Some dinosaurs in happier times

When did dinosaurs go extinct?

9/27 A Tyrannosaurus rex menacing the countryside

What colour was the Tyrannosaurus rex?

10/27 Tyrannosaurus rex

During which period did the Tyrannosaurus rex live?

11/27 This dinosaur had three horns on its head

What does 'triceratops' mean?

12/27 Sue at the Field Museum

What caused dinosaurs to go extinct?

13/27 Dinosaur Omeisaurus

What were the biggest dinosaurs?

14/27 Pterodactyls

True or false: a Pterodactyl is a dinosaur

15/27 Brontosaurus

Why is a Brontosaurus not really a dinosaur?

16/27 Prehistoric scene with Psittacosaurus Dinosaurs

Which of the following ate meat?

17/27 A colourful drawing of a diplodocus and tyrannosaurus rex

What does the word dinosaur mean?

18/27 Brachiosaurus

What height could a Brachiosaurus reach?

19/27 Scientists examine 3D printed model of a dinosaur

What is the name of someone who studies dinosaurs? 

20/27 Tyrannosaurus rex

How big was the average Tyrannosaurus rex tooth?

21/27 A fossil and archaeological tools

Who discovered the first dinosaur fossil in England in 1822?

22/27 Spinosaurus dinosaur eating fish

What did the majority of dinosaurs eat?

23/27 Boy playing with toy dinosaurs

Which dinosaur was the size of a chicken?

24/27 Jurassic Mamenchisaurus habitat

True or false: birds evolved from dinosaurs

25/27 Dinosaur sign

What dinosaur-themed book was turned into a film in 1993?

26/27 Diplodocus

The Diplodocus lived in which period? 

27/27 Which Toronto basketball team has a dinosaur claw on their club badge?

Which Toronto basketball team has a dinosaur claw on their club badge?

Dinosaur quiz: a poor score!

Oh dear! Have another go. We believe in you!

Dinosaur quiz: a good score!

Good effort! Why not watch Jurassic Park and come back later for another go!

Dinosaur quiz: a great score!

Great! You know your stuff! Why not have another go and try to get an even better score?

Dinosaur quiz: an amazing score!

Amazing! You pretty much know all there is to know about dinosaurs. Take the rest of the day off and relax – you've earned it!