The Ultimate Asia Flag Quiz!
How well do you know the flags of the Asian continent? Take this quiz and test your knowledge!
There are so many flags in this world. Like, loads. We don't expect you to know every single one ever made, so we've narrowed this quiz down to ones just representing Asian countries!
How many points will you score? Let's find out!
Good luck!
Which country is represented by this flag?
What about this flag?
Can you name this brightly coloured flag for another point?
Here's another flag featuring a crescent moon. Do you know which country this belongs to?
Can you name which country this flag belongs to?
Which country does this flag represent?
What about this flag?
Can you name which country's flag this is for another point?
Can you name this flag?
And this one?
Name this country's flag for another point!
Which country does this unusually-shaped flag belong to?
And which country flies this flag, for another point?
What country does this flag represent?
And what about this one?
Name this flag for one final point!
Oh dear! Better luck next time!
Good effort! Why not have another go and see if you can get an even bigger score?
Great stuff! You know your stuff when it comes to flags!
Fantastic! You're a flag expert! So that should be... flag-tactic! Yeah.