The Ultimate Charli D'Amelio Quiz
How well do you know this world-famous Tik Tok dancer? Take this quiz to find out!

@charlidamelio | instagram
Ok, let's start off easy! What app is Charli most famous on?

@charlidamelio | instagram
What's Charli's sister's name?

What is Charli famous for doing in her videos?

@charlidamelio | instagram
Who's this guy stood next to Charli?
5/10 Ok here's a tricky one. Charli is from Connecticut in the USA - whereabouts is that?

@musicchoice | giphy
Which of these pop stars has Charli performed with?

@charlidamelio | instagram
According to Charli... why is she famous?

@aninsignificantman | giphy
How many Tik Tok followers has she got?

@charlidamelio | instagram
Who was Charli's first famous duet with?

@charlidamelio | instagram

@charlidamelio | instagram
What's Charli's favourite thing about dancing on Tik Tok?

@charlidamelio | instagram
Oh no! Not a fan then? Never mind - try another quiz!

@charlidamelio | instagram
Not bad! You can do better though - try another quiz?

@charlidamelio | instagram
Good job! Look how pleased Charli is! Can you beat this score on another quiz?

@charlidamelio | instagram
Wahooo! High score! Nailed it!