The Ultimate Cheese Quiz!
Test your knowledge of cheese in the cheesiest quiz ever created!
Say cheese!

How many pounds of milk does it take to make a pound of cheese?

Roquefort and Camembert de Normandie cheese is banned in certain parts of the USA. True or false?

In which century did people begin to start dying cheese orange to fool people into thinking it was a better quality?

How many different cheeses are made in France?

Cheddar cheese is made in which British county?

Which type of cheese was used a cannonball during a battle in 1841?

On average, how many pounds of cheese does each American adult eat every year?

Mice love to eat cheese. True or false?

How many pounds of cheese does the average Greek adult eat every year?

What are the holes in Swiss cheese called?

Oh no! This quiz wasn't so cheesy after all, was it?

Good try! Why not have another go? You might get an even bigger score!

Great stuff! You certainly know your cheesy facts!

Wow! You are a cheese know-all!