Ultimate Chronicles of Narnia Quiz
Do you adore The Chronicles of Narnia? Take this ultimate Narnia trivia quiz to test your fantastical knowledge!
Let's get mythical!
In The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, which of the two Pevensie children are the first to enter the world of Narnia?
What is the sweet treat that tempts Edmund to betray his friends and family in the The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe?
In Prince Caspian: The Return to Narnia, what magical object is used to summon back the Pevensie children to the magical kingdom?
What is the name of Prince Caspian's uncle who has usurped the Narnian throne?
In The Voyage of the Dawn Treader which annoying relative joins Edmund and Lucy when they return to Narnia for a third time?
In The Voyage of the Dawn Treader which of the following is NOT the name of one of the seven lost lords?
In The Silver Chair what is the name of the horrible school that the children attend?
In The Silver Chair what sort of creature is the children's stalwart guide Puddleglum?
Who are the main characters in The Horse and His Boy?
In The Horse and His Boy, what country do the runaways travel through before reaching safety?
Who do Digory, Kirke and Polly Plummer awaken by mistake in the dying world of Charn?
What does Digory give to his mother to restore her health?
In The Last Battle what does the ape Shift trick the donkey Puzzle into doing?
In The Last Battle who what is the name of the evil cat who spreads lies and causes trouble?
Amazing! You got a PERFECT Score! Well done, you really are a bona fide Narnian! Maybe you should have a look in the back of your wardrobe and see what's there?
Pretty good! Though not a totally PERFECT score - when it comes to The Chronicles of Narnia you certainly know your Silver Chairs from your Dawn Treaders. Good job!
Not So Hot! Don't feel bad, however - this was a pretty tough quiz! Never mind, why not retake the quiz and improve your score?
Oh Dear! You're a little rusty when it comes to The Chornicles of Narnia, but that's okay. This was a hard quiz! Why not read some of these awesome books, or watch the films and try again?