8 Question Dragon Ball Z Quiz
The Ultimate Dragon Ball Z Quiz

Manga Entertainment | Cartoon Network
Who is this?

Manga Entertainment | Cartoon Network
What are these?

Manga Entertainment | Cartoon Network
What is Goku's signature attack?

Manga Entertainment | Cartoon Network
What is the name of Master Roshi's school?

Manga Entertainment | Cartoon Network
How many episodes of Dragon Ball Z have there been?

Manga Entertainment | Cartoon Network
Who is Frieza's student?

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Which one of these has NOT been one of Goku's jobs?

Manga Entertainment | Cartoon Network
Who is Trunks?

Awesome! You graduate first in Master Roshi's class!

Hmm, looks like you need to go back to school and retrain! Why not take the quiz again?

Uh oh! Have you ever watched the show? Never mind, it's a brilliant excuse to go and watch it all over again!

Nice! You're clearly a big Dragon Ball Z fan! Why not have another go and see if you can score even higher?