The Ultimate Famous Women Trivia Quiz!
Do you know your legendary women? Your Marie Curies from your Amelia Earharts? Then test your skills and take the quiz!
In 1903, Marie Curie was the first woman awarded a Nobel Prize for her incredible work in what?
What incredibly brave thing did activist Rosa Parks do in 1955 to spark the civil rights movement?
Which famous founder of modern nursing was nicknamed 'the Lady with the Lamp'?
Which gifted mathematician who lived between 1815-1852 is considered to be the world's first computer programmer?
Who wrote the famous book 'Frankenstein'?
What did the British warrior queen Boudicca famously do?
Amelia Earhart - the first female aviator to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean - disappeared while flying around the world in what year?
Who was the final ruler of Egypt’s Ptolemaic dynasty, famed for her beauty and shrewd politics?
Which French military leader and strategist led an army aged only 16?
What movement did Kenyan environmental activist Wangari Maathai found?
Which controversial novelist was an influential founder of the literary set the Bloomsbury Group?
Who is this - Mexico's most famous artist?
What did French Feminist Simone de Beauvoir famously say?
Pride & Prejudice was written by which famous author?
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Who is this seminal 1980s hip hop act?
Amazing! You got a PERFECT Score! Well done, you really know your history and a lot about some of the amazing women who formed it. An INCREDIBLE result, good job!
Pretty good! Though not a totally PERFECT score - when it comes to famous women you certainly know your stuff. Impressive result, good job!
Not So Hot! Don't feel bad, however - this was a pretty tough quiz! Never mind, why not read up about some of our amazing women from the past, and retake the quiz?
Oh Dear! You're a little rusty when it comes to womens' history but that's okay. This was a hard quiz! Why not do some background reading and try again?