10 Question Hanukkah Quiz!
How well do you know this Jewish festival? Take the quiz and find out!
How much do you know about this annual Jewish festival and celebration?

What does Hanukkah mean in Hebrew?

What is Hanukkah also known as?

Rugrats | Nickelodeon
Which of the following foods is not a traditional Hanukkah treat?

What are these spinning tops called?

evite | Giphy
How many branches does a Hanukkah menorah – or chanukiah – have?

In total, how many candles are lighted during Hanukkah?

The Goldbergs | Adam F. Goldberg Productions, Happy Madison Productions, Sony Pictures Television | ABC
Why does Hanukkah last for eight nights?

A Menorah isn't lit every night of the holiday. True or false?

Why are Hanukkah meals fried?

Oh dear! Better luck next time!

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Great work! You know your stuff when it comes to Hanukkah!

Amazing! You're a Hanukkah expert!