Ultimate Home Alone 2: Lost in New York Quiz!
How well do YOU know Home Alone 2: Lost in New York? It's time to put your skills to the test with this festive film quiz!
Home Alone is a Christmas classic... but how well do you know it's madcap Manhattan sequel? It's time to put your Home Alone trivia to the test, ya filthy animal!
For more festive fun why not try our epic Christmas Movie Emojis Quiz, or for some tinselled telly trivia try the Ultimate Christmas TV Quiz!

Let's start easy... what's the name of our hero?

Where in New York does Kevin book a room using his Dad's credit card?

Who in the movie gives Kevin the gift of two turtle doves?

What's the name of this security guard who apparently has been "smoochin" with everybody?

Which former president did a cameo appearance in the hotel lobby scene?

What was the name of the huge toy shop?

Who are Kevin's parents?

Where was Kevin SUPPOSED to go on holiday for Christmas?

What family member's empty house does Kevin occupy for the final showdown with Harry and Marv?

What are the villains called?

What kind of shop do Harry and Marv plan on stealing from?

Who's this guy?

What type of bird does this woman like?

How much does Kevin spend on room service?

What does Kevin give the bell boy as a tip?

Who eventually finds Kevin in New York?

Amazing! You got a PERFECT score! Talk about a jolly genius... there's no doubt about it, you really know your Home Alone trivia. We bow to your superior knowledge. An incredible result, well done!

Pretty good! While not a totally PERFECT score, you certainly know your Christmas movies! A very impressive result. Great job!

Not so hot! While not the worst score in New York, you may want to give the flick a rewatch if you want to score higher!

Oh dear! It seems you may need to give the movie another watch and try again!