The Ultimate Insect Quiz Questions
How's the entomology? Can you beetle our quiz to pass with butterflying colours?

Insect basics: How many legs does an insect have?
2/10 Spot the REAL insect...
3/10 Spot the REAL insect...
4/10 Spot the FAKE insect
5/10 What is the loudest insect?

What use are wasps?

What was the first insect to be sent into space?

Where are a cricket's ears located?

Why do some hover flies have yellow and black stripes?

What is the deadliest spider?

Maggot level. The lowest score possible!

Pupae level. Not bad! Soon you will be a beautiful butterfly. For now though, you are a weird cocoon of intercellular goo.

Beautiful Butterfly Level (Or Awesome Wasp level, whatever you prefer.) You are the Queen Bee (or Butterfly/Wasp)!