The Ultimate Music Quiz For Kids!
The Ultimate Music Quiz For Kids! Test out your music knowledge now!
Sing Along If You Know It!

@lilnasx | instagram
What kind of music does Lil Nas X definitely NOT make?

@lizzobeeating | instagram
Which of these instruments does Lizzo play?

@billieeilish | Instagram
Which of these was a US Number 1 for Billie Eilish?

@shawnmendes | Instagram
What nationality is Shawn Mendes?

@arianagrande | Instagram
Which Ariana Grande song starts with the line: " Thought I'd end up with Sean but he wasn't a match"?

@rihanna.uk | Instagram
Which hip hop mogul discovered Rihanna?

@justinbieber | Instagram
What are Justin Bieber fans called?

@justinbieber | Instagram
How many UK Number 1s has Ed Sheeran released?

@brunomars | Instagram
Which of these is a Bruno Mars song?

@onedirection | Instagram
How many Number 1 albums did One Direction release?

@littlemix | Instagram
Little Mix were discovered on which TV show?

@taylorswift | Instagram
Which of these is NOT a Taylor Swift song?

@littlemix | Instagram
You can do better than that!

@justinbieber | Instagram
Not bad, but can you beat this score?

@littlemix | Instagram
You definitely know your pop music!

@justinbieber | Instagram
Outstanding! You got 10 out of 10!