The Ultimate My Hero Academia Quiz
Test your knowledge of My Hero Academia with our ultimate quiz!
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U.A. High School is an academy where students learn and train to become what?
2/10 In which country is My Hero Academia set?
What is a quirk?
Before training from All Might what set Izuku apart from his fellow Hero Academia pupils
What is Red Riots quirk?
6/10 More importantly, how long does Red Riots hair gel take to set?
What is Hero Killer: Stains' grim quirk?
What quirk does All Might gift to Izuku?
What is Mount Lady's Quirk?
Who are these guys? Clue: They run the Beast’s Forest
Bad Score! As All Might would say: "If you feel yourself hitting up against your limit remember for what cause you clench your fists” or something.
Medium Score! As All Might would say: "Whether you win or lose... You can always come out ahead by learning from the experience.”
Top Score! As All Might would say: "You can become a hero!”