The Ultimate Norris Nuts Quiz!
How well do you know this odd-ball Aussie family? Take this epic Youtuber quiz to find out!
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The Norris Nuts are a family of YouTubers based in Australia who love to take part in fun challenges and document their daily lives. They've got millions of followers around the world, too! But how much do you know about them? Take this quiz and test your Norris Nuts knowledge!

The Norris Nuts | YouTube
Which member of the family won the 'LAST TO LEAVE THE BOUNCY HOUSE' challenge?

The Norris Nuts | YouTube
In which year was Naz born?

@sabrenorris | Instagram
What is Sabre's middle name?

@TheNorrisNuts | Youtube
How many Norris Nuts are there? (Including the parents!)

@TheNorrisNuts | Youtube
What's the Norris Nuts most popular music video?

@TheNorrisNuts | Youtube
Which of these is NOT a real video from the Norris Nuts?

@TheNorrisNuts | Youtube
Which of the Nuts is the youngest?

@TheNorrisNuts | Youtube
What does Sabre do for fun?

Where are the Norris Nuts from?

@TheNorrisNuts | Youtube
What's the name of the Norris Nuts' dad?

@TheNorrisNuts | Youtube
What is Sabre's star sign?

@TheNorrisNuts | Youtube
Complete the name of the Norris Nuts video: WHICH NORRIS NUT CAN...

@TheNorrisNuts | Youtube
Naz is older than Sockie. True or false?

@TheNorrisNuts | Youtube
EEK! Have you seen any Norris Nuts videos? Try another quiz!

@TheNorrisNuts | Youtube
Pretty good! You can do better though - try another quiz?

@TheNorrisNuts | Youtube
Good job! You know your stuff - try another quiz?

@TheNorrisNuts | Youtube
Amazing! You know everything there is to know about the Norris Nuts!