The Ultimate Planets Quiz!
How much do you know about the solar system? Find out in this cosmic quiz!
The Ultimate Planets Quiz!

In order from the sun, where does Earth sit in the order of the planets?

How many planets are in our solar system?

Which of these used to be called a planet, but isn't anymore?

What are the planets named after?

Which is the largest planet in our solar system?

Which planet has the most moons?

Why is Earth the only planet in our solar system with life?

Which is the hottest planet in our solar system?

Woah, you're a planet expert! You know your solar system really well! Maybe you're a Martian...

Nice one, you know a lot of facts about the solar system!

You know a couple of things about planets but you could always learn more! Why not take the quiz again and see if you can score better

Oh no, you don't know Mercury from Mars! Nevermind, you can always improve your knowledge by taking the quiz again!