The Ultimate Rihanna Quiz!
Think YOUR RiRi mastery is unrivalled? How much do you really know about Rihanna? Take the quiz and put your skills to the test!

Rihanna | YouTube
Where was Rihanna born?

Diamonds | Rihanna | Furler, Levin, Eriksen, Hermansen | Def Jam | Anthony Mandler
On what album did Rihanna have a huge hit in 2007 with 'Umbrella'?

Diamonds | Rihanna | Furler, Levin, Eriksen, Hermansen | Def Jam | Anthony Mandler
"Yellow diamonds in the light, And we're standing side by side" - Name the song!

Rihanna | YouTube
What was the name of Rihanna's first album?

In her spare time, Rihanna loves to relax by taping smartphones to pigeons. True or false?

Diamonds | Rihanna | Furler, Levin, Eriksen, Hermansen | Def Jam | Anthony Mandler
What is Rihanna's full name?

Diamonds | Rihanna | Furler, Levin, Eriksen, Hermansen | Def Jam | Anthony Mandler
What year was 'This Is What You Came For' released?

Rihanna | YouTube
Who has Rihanna NOT collaborated with?

Rihanna | YouTube
Amazing! You got a perfect score! There's no doubt about it, you're RiRi-REALLY hot on Rihanna trivia. A very impressive result, well done!

Rihanna | YouTube
Pretty good! While not a totally flawless score, you certainly are at least an Admiral of the Rihanna Navy... your RiRi trivia is on point. A fantastic result, great job!

Rihanna | YouTube
Not so hot! It seems you may need to brush up on your RiRi facts if you're to be a true trivia master! Never mind, why not retake the quiz and improve your score?

Rihanna | YouTube
Oh dear! It seems you're RiRi-REALLY in need of some trivia help! Never mind, why not retake the quiz and improve your score?