The Ultimate Roblox BIG Paintball Quiz
Are you a Roblox BIG Paintball expert? Take our quiz and test your knowledge on this awesome game! Love Roblox? Check out our blamtastic Ultimate Roblox Adopt Me Quiz!

BIG Roblox | Roblox | Roblox Corporation
What happens if you tag another player?

Which of these is NOT a gun you can use in the game?

BIG Roblox | Roblox | Roblox Corporation
What does radar do?

How many tags do you need to unlock Nukes?

BIG Roblox | Roblox | Roblox Corporation
How many visits has the game had?

What type of architecture is Suijin based on?

BIG Roblox | Roblox | Roblox Corporation
True or false: it's Barack Obama's favourite game?

BIG Roblox | Roblox | Roblox Corporation
How much is a Dark Matter gun?

Which of these is a Paintball map?

Which of these are Paintball abilities?

Who makes Big Paintball?

What year was Big Paintball released?

Yes! You've totally mastered the world of Big Paintball!

Well done! You definitely know you're way around Roblox paintball!

Not bad, but have another go and see if you learn anything new about Roblox paintball!

Oh no! You'll need to do better than that if you want to master Big Paintball! Try again!