The Ultimate Skeletal System Quiz!
How much do YOU know about the skeletal system? Are you a bony brainbox or straight-up numbskull? Time to put your skelly skills to the test with this epic quiz!
Let’s make no bones about it – the human skeleton is an amazing but complicated thing. TIBIA honest, we’ve tried to make this quiz HUMERus, but we hope you learn something too! For more biological boggles, take a peek at our Ultimate Biology Quiz or check out the Ultimate Life Sciences Quiz!

What do you call the place where bones meet each other?

What age are you when your bones stop growing?

What is the smallest bone in the human body?

What is the largest bone in the human body?

What are the bones in your spine called?

How many bones are in the (average) adult human body?

What is the proper name for your ‘tail bone’?

Where would you find the patella?

What bone protects your brain?

If you add water to bone, you get Jurassic 5 on the microphone. True or false?

How many bones are there in your spine?

What is the middle of a bone?

What does the calcaneus bone do?

Where would you find the stapes bone?

How many bones are in your hands and feet combined?

Your lungs are protected by what?

What is the biggest joint in the human body?

What are trabecular bones like?

Bones are made up of a mixture of minerals, organic matrix, water and… what?

Teeth are stronger than bones. True or false?

Oh dear! It seems you think the neck-bone's connected to the knee-bone! You may need to up your biology game if you're to achieve a truly scintillating skeleton score in this quiz! Never mind, why not retake the quiz and improve your score?

Not so hot! While not a total bonehead, you will need to do better if you're to achieve a truly scintillating skeleton score in this quiz! Never mind, why not retake it and improve your score?

Pretty good! While not a PERFECT victory, you're no bonehead - you possess a stack of skeleton skills and you're well on your way to being a bona fide biology boffin. A very respectable result, good job!

Amazing! You got a PERFECT score! It's official, you're a true biology brainiac whose scintillating skeleton skills are second to none. An incredible result, great job!