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The Ultimate Slogo Quiz! | YouTuber quiz

YouTuber Slogo, formerly Slogoman, is best known for his gaming videos - often playing against pals Jelly and Crainer. From Minecraft to Among Us - there's no denying Slogo is a gaming goliath! But how much do YOU know? Take the quiz!

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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024
1/12 Slogo logo
Slogo | YouTube

What is Slogo’s real name?

2/12 Slogo playing Minecraft
Slogo | YouTube

When did Slogo first start YouTubing?

3/12 Dog peeking over coffee table

What is Slogo's dog called?

4/12 U.K. map

Where did Slogo grow up?

5/12 Slogo playing Minecraft
Slogo | YouTube

What year was Slogo born?

6/12 Slogo playing Minecraft
Slogo | YouTube

What is the name of the gaming group that is Slogo a member of?

7/12 Slogo playing Minecraft
Slogo | YouTube

What did Slogo say he hated as a child?

8/12 Swirl of different colours

What is Slogo’s favourite colour?

9/12 Slogo playing Among Us
Slogo | YouTube

How many subscribers does Slogo have as of June 2021?

10/12 Slog playing Minecraft
Slogo | YouTube

What did Slogo become interested in studying at college?

11/12 Slogo playing Among Us
Slogo | YouTube

What is Slogo’s girlfriend called?

12/12 Slogo giving the thumbs up
Slogo | YouTube

What star sign is Slogo?

Oh dear
Slogo | YouTube

Oh dear! It seems you may need to watch a few more of Slogo's vids if you're to be a true YouTuber champ! Never mind, why not retake the quiz and improve your score?

Not so hot
Slogo | YouTube

Not so hot! While not the worst score in the world, you may need to brush up on your YouTuber trivia if you're to achieve quizzing competence... Never mind! Why not retake the quiz and improve your score?

Pretty good!
Slogo | YouTube

Pretty good! While not an absolutely PERFECT score, you certainly know your YouTubers. A very respectable result, good job!

Slogo | YouTube

Amazing! You got a PERFECT score!!! There's no doubt about it, you really know your YouTubers. An incredible result, well done!